How does Thoughtful Faith (TF) work?
As you may already surmise, TF is a Christian fellowship dedicated to reading/viewing, reflecting on, and discussing important books, articles, and video content. Since members are sometimes long distances from each other, the fellowship seeks to employ a process that works across the miles. Here's the basic process:
1) A monthly selection is announced on the website and shared via email with registered members. To allow time for book purchases (for some monthly selections), advance notice is given. Typically, the website will detail the current and following month's selection.
2) Registered members will receive a discussion/conversation guide for the selected materials. This will typically be released several weeks prior to the scheduled conversation. At this same time, the tentative days/times for the discussion (of the selected materials) is shared. Members are asked to RSVP to help with conversation planning.
3) Email updates will be shared during the month to help members stay on-track and keep the coming conversation in mind.
4) The scheduled conversation in support of the month's selection is then held. It will be facilitated via Zoom. Members are able to share their thoughts and debrief together.
This is the general process that will guide across most selected materials and conversations, though we'll welcome flexibility when needed.